Monday, January 30, 2017

5th Grade Science Project - Simple Science Projects That Wow the Crowd

5th grade science project ideas can be a little more complex than the previous grades as the children are at the age where they can do the majority of the experiment on their own, with guidance from their teacher or parents. It should still be a fairly straight forward project mind you, and one that they're quite interested in because if they pick a topic they don't really care for they're going to get bored and it will show in their work.
An example of a 5th grade science project ideas is to see if people have the same sense of smell, which can be accomplished by having two people stand at separate ends of a room while you stand in the middle, and open a few different thinks such as vinegar and lemon oil, and see which person smells it first. Have them record the times they first smell the fragrance so you can see if they differ.
Another project idea is to see if food that's cooked in the microwave cools at the same rate as food cooked in the oven, to do this all you need to do is cook the foods to the same temperature, then place a thermometer in each one and see which cools down the fastest. A few more ideas are which brand of batteries last the longest, or does the color of a light affect how well it cuts through the fog? There are many, many ideas of projects for 5th graders, it's all a matter of finding something the child is interested in.
For more 5th grade science project ideas and step-by-step instructions, visit Be sure to check out the site for tons of simple science projects elementary science experiments, middle school, and high school science.
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