Thursday, October 6, 2016

Technological Advancements Have Changed Lifestyles

The world is changing very rapidly and now it is hard to keep up with the pace of life. All the technological advancements are made to help man keep up with the increasing pace of life. There are two major questions to ask. Has increasing pace of life caused technology to grow or has growth in technology increased the pace of life?
Different people have different prospective on this so I am not discussing it for now. No matter what is the right answer, the reality is that our life style has changed dramatically over a period of time. The concepts which seem to be impossible a few years ago are now realities. Who had imagined for a 3D TV five years ago but now it is reality and is available worldwide. Turning an idea into reality is very easy now days. That is why more and more technological advancements are taking place every year. These advancements also show the potential of human mind.
Technological advancements have changed our life style, now technology is involved in every aspect of our life; it has made our life easy and comfortable. Technology has made communication very easy, has removed the distances and made world a global village. The world we used to know five years ago is totally different today.
Whenever a new technology is introduced, in the beginning people hesitate to adopt it but after some time it becomes necessity of life, there are many examples of such technologies like cell phone, television, computer etc.
Why these advancements have been made? The conscious of man and the passion to know one's ability and talent has enabled man to make enormous technological advancements. These advancements have also enabled man to know more about his own self and surroundings. Man is now discovering the universe.
As more and more advancement is being made, we are abandoning our old ways and adopting new lifestyles. The major changes which technology has made to our lifestyle are related to work place, sports and entertainment. Workplaces are now equipped with computers and other automated machines to help workers better perform daily tasks. Sporting activities have reduced to some extent especially among young generation because they are now more interested in video games as compared to outdoor games.
Young generation prefer video games because now video games are more adventurous and full of action and suspense. The devices like Kinect and PlayStation have made video games more fun for the young generation. This growth has caused many criticisms to these video games as well. But now these companies are making devices to keep physical movements achievable while playing video games, thus causing permanent threat to traditional sports in young generation.
Technology has also changed our shopping style as well, a decade ago we use to hesitate while making a purchase online but now most of the shopping is done online because of convenience. People are more aware of different products, their quality and prices because of online shopping websites.
The world is now online and there is only one thing to ask and that is "NEXT IS WHAT?"

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

School Science Projects - 4 Secrets to Success

Headed for the science fair? You're going to want to consider science projects that will not only be fun and interesting but will impress the judges as well. At first it might seem like a tall order, but the science fair is a great chance for you to gain new knowledge about almost anything you can imagine. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to win the fair, it just takes planning, some creativity, and a little work. Follow these four simple tips and yours will be one of the science projects that will wow friends and judges alike!
1. Get interested!-This is the most important thing you can do to make this a fun and successful project. Forget those projects from school, this one is your own and can be about anything you choose. Think about what you like to do and how you could learn more about it through the scientific method. Start by stating the question you want your study to answer.
For example, if you're interested in planes you might research which shape of wing creates the most lift. Or, study your friends and family by researching how they react to a set of different musical styles or running a blind taste test.
Is the outdoors where you love to be? Get outside and run an experiment in the garden or at the local park!
Whatever it is you enjoy that makes you curious is sure to make a great science project, all you have to do is ask the right question.
2. Keep it simple-Being creative is important, but the best scientists know how to ask direct questions which lead to useful results. You don't want to ask too broad a question and end up with an incomplete project on the day of the fair. Suppose you want to work with food since you love to cook. A study to find out which is the best type of dessert is going to be way too much to handle, there are just too many out there and everyone has their own favorite. A better question would be "How does wrapping an object in foil affect cooking time?"
A simpler topic will be easier to present at the fair, you should always be as clear as possible about your research methods and findings. Anyone who comes to see your project should be able to understand and enjoy it. Presenting your project is as important as doing the study, so be prepared to show what you discovered. Finally, make sure that the topic is an appropriate one by checking with an adult before getting started.
3. Do your own work - The more of the project you do yourself the more you will learn and can use again in the future. Sure, there may be certain aspects of building the display where someone good a using power tools can help out. Maybe you and a friend can team up to collect some data; cases like these are not cheating and are fine. What is important is that you are part of every step of the process and follow through with your original idea.
Avoid cutting and pasting information from the internet or from books, doing this is illegal and anyone is allowed to place information online. The judges will ask questions about your project on the day of the fair. If you haven't done your own work you may not be able to tell them about your project, how do you think that would look?
4. Don't wait till the last minute - If you do, you're only cheating yourself. Good science projects require careful planning and more than one try to really learn all you can. Remember, a good experiment can be done over any number of times with nearly the same results, that's how a scientist can be sure of what he discovers!
Give yourself a number of weeks to put together your project and aim to have it ready for presentation a few days before the fair. These extra days are for taking care of little things you may not have thought of or just had no idea could happen. Once your project is ready, you can use the remaining extra time to practice presenting it.
For a step-by-step guide to easily creating a really awesome science project, download a FREE copy of Easy Steps to Award-Winning Science Fair Projects right now.